Tippecanoe School Corporation
Two TSC teachers honored with Golden Apples

Greater Lafayette Commerce has announced the winners of the Golden Apple Awards. Two of the five teachers are from the Tippecanoe School Corporation: Megan Keller, a first grade teacher at Mayflower Mill Elementary School and Sarah Emerson, a second and third grade high ability teacher at Dayton Elementary School.

Greater Lafayette Commerce says the teachers were chosen from more than 200 educators who were nominated for the prestigious award. 

Megan Keller is described as a dynamic, energetic teacher and leader at Mayflower Mill. Her nominator writes: “She is willing to help her colleagues, even when it is not her responsibility. She is dedicated to the success of the school as a whole, and helps others as often as she is able.”

Keller has been teaching for more than 10 years and is a graduate of Ball State University.

Sarah Emerson is known for showing an extraordinary amount of innovation in her classroom. “Her ability to reach each learner at their level and expand their knowledge is amazing,” says Dayton Principal Ryan Simmons. “She expects the best from her students and instills a love of learning in her classroom.”

Emerson has taught in the TSC for 12 years and has a degree from Purdue University.

Sarah Emerson
Megan Keller surrounded by students